Thursday, December 15, 2016

History of Social Media

A History of Social Media [Infographic] - Infographic
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What are your initial impressions of this infographic? Please write a few bulleted sentences.


  1. There was some information that shocked me. I never really thought about the fact that Google, Tumblr and so on is somewhat "new" platforms. I mean, they came out when I was alive. I also find it interesting that myspace & classmates came out before Facebook; I wonder what made Facebook become the most popular one when it certainly was not the first of its kind.

  2. I didn't know that social media began as early as it did. There are also a lot of social media platforms that I was not aware existed, yet I am curious to explore them and understand what they are used for.

  3. This is cool. I had no idea!!!!

  4. I really like this info graph. It made it really easy to recognize the history of social media and how much it has progressed.

  5. My initial impression of the class was great! I have a lot of friends in my class which will make me more active. I also find the topics we'll be studying very interesting. Although you said there will be a lot of work, I'm looking forward to this class.

  6. I think this infographic is very interesting. It is intriguing to see what jumpstarted the social media era and how it is continually evolving and newer and greater things are coming about.

  7. It was interesting to see how social media dates back so far and how much the internet has grown. With what started out as just sending emails boomed into a multitude of different social media platforms. What was the most interesting was how the majority of the sites all had the same purpose - to connect people with others.

  8. I like how despite there being lots of information on social media, that it was given in a way that can be understood easily.

    Also it shows in a non bias way how social media impacts our lives since the 1970's and how much it has grown since then.

  9. I am not a person that has a lot of social media accounts, but I do find it breathtaking to see how social media all began and how it has evolved throughout 30+ years.

  10. I did not realize that people used the internet in such a social way so early in the 2000s. I also did not realize how so many of the platforms that we use so much now were created so long ago.

  11. My initial impression of this infographic is that there has been a drastic change to what was cool then and now. Social media has no time limit to how long an app or website will last. The infographic allowed me to understand the inconsistency in social media. There is nothing certain to stay. Things are always shifting and evolving in better ways. Technology alters and even the efficiency of how it's used shifts. The infographic also really showed how much of an impact the internet has on us. Each media site has such a heavy subscription or following. It makes you think what would we be without this thing we’ve grown so attached to.

  12. Email was invented in 1971, wow! Social media has been an on going thing for decades now.

  13. When I first think about the beginning of social media my mind always goes to myspace. It’s interesting to know that it actually goes further back than myspace. I also find it funny that email came before the World Wide Web.

  14. I honestly wasn't aware of how far back social media went. I was more focused on what the current and popular social media applications were out.

  15. I honestly wasn't aware of how far back social media went. I was more focused on what current and popular social media applications were out.

  16. I did not realize how much the internet connects us as a community even though we are globally different. There are so many different ways to connect with other people through social media. Without all the new ways of communication on the internet people would not connect. It really explains why it is called social media because you are socializing on the internet.

  17. I am surprised to find out the first social networking applications were invented nearly 40 years ago. This infographic is very insightful in my eyes. I was able to learn how the field has developed over the years to make the experience more enjoyable for all parties. Every new application seems to learn from past ones to improve the atmosphere and communication. Major progress has been made in the past 20 years and a fortunate future awaits as technology continues to advance in huge strides. Social media seems to function as stock markets do, in which they are all intertwined and rely heavily upon on each other.

  18. - It is crazy to see how social media has developed overtime.
    - I had no idea how long ago the first email was sent out.
    - Most of the social media on this timeline I am unaware of and never knew it existed.
    - Classmates seems like a prehistoric dating website, which is very interesting.

  19. - since the beginning, social media has clearly been used for spreading or gaining information (whether personal or factual) around to people who are not able to speak face to face
    -as time goes on, people have begun to put more reliance on social media for almost all forms of entertainment

  20. - Classmates is similar to dating websites today.
    - technology has been around for way longer than I previously believed.
    - Social media is always changing and being further developed.

  21. Social Media has changed communication by allowing people from all over the world and different walks of life to be able to communicate which otherwise would not be possible. I personally use social media to communicate with others, and to express myself and my feelings and I feel that that is truly the purpose of social media.

  22. Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people interact with one another. Not only does social media allow people to communicate in real time, but it also has the ability to connect people around the world with individuals they would have never met otherwise. It's also fairly evident from reading this blog that the availability of broadband internet in 2000 acted as a sort of catalyst for the creation of more interactive and recreational social media.

  23. I had no idea how far back the history of the internet went. I think its so interesting how different the things on the web back then are compared to now.

  24. The first social media platforms were primarily used to find old classmates and friends, and also used for matchmaking. Later, websites like wikipedia, ask, and sim were created to help users find information faster and easier. Finally, the social media we see today is used for communicating to large groups and finding information all on one website.

  25. 1. I think the author's motivation to write the book was commendable because he realized just how much of an impact social media was having on people and college students especially. He saw a problem and found an answer to advise people on social media.
    2. He wanted us the readers to take away that technology has fundamentally changed high school life (which we are realizing first hand right now) . Everything in high school is so temporary and an experiment to develop ourselves. The biggest challenge is to not make such big mistakes in finding yourself that you are haunted forever by them.
